Thoughts and reflections on my 29th birthday
Today is my 29th birthday.
Somehow this year I am evaluating my life more than usual, probably because I assumed by 29 I would have more of my life settled or figured out. That is definitely not the case right now. I recently left my full-time job and I am working retail for the holidays. I am not sure where I am going to work or what my next role will be and that’s a very daunting thing, especially as a person who loves to plan and organize. As I get older, I find that planning is harder and harder.
Never-ending questions about the future.
As a child you are taught to think of the future with questions like “what do you want to be when you grow up?” from kindergarten to high school. Then it becomes “where do you want to go to college?” and “what do you want to study?” Once you graduate, if you go on to attend college, it becomes “what is your major?” or “what classes are you taking?” When you finally complete college the dreaded “what will you do for a career?” or “what is next for you?” comes up a lot.
But you’re prepared for these questions in a way since they start asking you when you are young. They also teach you to think 5 or 10 years ahead. The problem is that when you actually get to that 5 or 10 year point, you find that nothing works the way you thought or planned. That is the point I am at now. Everything thought I would do or achieve by 29 hasn’t really worked out as I planned.
Wondering what the future holds.
Right now, the future seems blank, which is upsetting because I have no idea what is coming next. At the same time, it’s also exhilarating. I can do anything because there are no constraints, except for the ones I put in place. I know that my main areas of focus are on my health (mental and physical), getting a new job, and figuring out a career path.